Enroll in Healthy Homes for Healthy Families

Enrollment Closed
Thank you for your interest in the Healthy Homes for Healthy Families program. Enrollment is now closed, and we are no longer taking new applications. If additional funding becomes available, we may reopen enrollment in the future.
For additional help, visit 2-1-1 Metro Chicago at 211 Metro Chicago to connect with community resources.
Participant Eligibility Criteria
To be eligible for this program, applicants need to meet the following criteria:
- A household whose gross income does not exceed 120% area median income (AMI)
- Owner or renter of a single-family home or two–four-unit residential building, which meets the building criteria described below
- Live in suburban Cook County (outside of the City of Chicago) and within a high-risk zip code for pediatric lead poisoning or in a disadvantaged census tract as defined by the federal government.
If you are unsure if you meet the eligibility requirements, email us at info@HealthyHomesCC.org or call at 872-205-6382, and a team member will contact you to discuss the next steps.
Building Criteria*
In order to receive a home assessment through the program, homes must be:
- Occupied
- Maintained in structurally sound condition
- Have active utilities (water, electric, gas)
*Acceptance into the program and completion of a home assessment does not guarantee the implementation of home upgrades; the program reserves the right not to move forward with repairs and upgrades on homes that do not meet the above criteria or whose total health and safety project needs exceed the per-home cap of $60,000. The per-home health and safety cap must cover all identified health and safety-related measures other than lead abatement. This cap is exclusive of any justified change orders that may arise over the course of construction, in the sole determination of the program.
Examples of health and safety-related measures, the total cost of which may not exceed the per-home cap in order to maintain eligibility for the program, include but are not limited to: asbestos abatement, mold remediation and associated repair costs, plumbing repairs, electrical wiring upgrades, bulk water mitigation strategies, porch repairs/rebuilds, gas leak repairs, and correcting improper venting.